I don't have any background in technology.
Is technology a tough field for women to break into?
Am I too old for a tech career?
How will I be able to find a job with all these tech
Information on education for a technical career.
Getting financial aid information for my technical education.
How much math do I really need?
How do I find out what tech courses I should take?
How long does completing a technology program take?
How will high school prepare me for a technology career?
Q. |
don't have any background in technology. Can I still work in
a tech career? |
A. |
Even if you have never touched a computer or participated in
hands-on technical activities, you can be successful in a technology
career. You will need to undergo some additional training and/or
education, but lots of women have successfully switched to a
technical career when they did not have a background in technology.
For some inspiring stories, click here
to view our role models. You may want to consider some of the
following options to get some help or to get started:
- Look into obtaining an Associate's degree at a community
college. Returning to school may seem intimidating, but
lots of women have followed this avenue successfully and
are now pursuing lucrative new careers in a technology field.
Community colleges offer a variety of degrees, financial
aid and flexible scheduling for people with busy lives just
like you. Associate's degrees can usually be completed within
two years. If you consider the long-term benefits of a higher
wage and a more satisfying career, a two-year investment
is well worth it.
- Consider a Technical Certificate. You can earn a Certificate
in 6 to 12 months from either a community college or vocational
school, both of which offer flexible scheduling and financial
assistance. A Certificate trains you to qualify for a specific
job, such as automotive technology or computer networking,
and is an excellent way to start a new career and start
earning more money quickly.
- Begin networking with women in technology fields to get
more information and inspiration. Connecting to women who
may have once been in your position may help you realize
that pursuing a technology career is a realistic goal and
that it can be done! You may even find a mentor to give
you some guidance on how to achieve your goals. Join WomenTech
Talk or visit our Bulletin Board to begin networking, click
Q. |
is mostly male. Is it a tough field for a woman to break into? |
A. |
Lots of women have successfully entered technology fields. Click
here to see our WomenTech role models for some inspiring
examples. It can be more difficult for a woman to prove herself,
but there are lots of places you can turn to for support:
- Surf the web to find women's professional associations
specific to the industry you're interested in. These are
a great source of advocacy and support and you may find
that there are more women working in technology than you
first thought. Our links will bring
you to many of them.
- Join WomenTech Talk to communicate with other women in
technology fields. To sign up and begin posting messages,
click here.
- Message Board
- Join our WomenTech mailing list to receive helpful and
empowering e-newsletters.
Q. |
I too old for a tech career? I understand it's a young field
and if you're over 30 you can't get employed. |
A. |
of our WomenTech role models are over 30 and have achieved highly
successful careers in technology. See our role model profiles
for some inspiring stories. You may have to work harder to prove
yourself initially, but it can be done! To view our role model
bios, click here. |
Q. |
employers hire me? How will I be able to find a job with all
these tech layoffs? |
A. |
the Dot-com era has slowed down, there is still a need for qualified
technicians in all levels of industry:
- The Internet remains a fundamental component of business
and commerce and many established companies are still in
the process of developing their Web sites for e-commerce.
Other smaller companies are following suit by developing
e-commerce portions of their business and will do so in
the future as the Internet continues to evolve as an integral
part of all business and commerce. Furthermore, computer
network specialists are still in demand for already established
and expanding companies. This means there is still a need
for qualified computer technicians at all levels. It may
be more competitive now than it was a few years ago, but
technical jobs will remain a crucial part of the economy
and job market and will continue to grow and develop in
the future.
- Technicians are still in short supply in industries such
as Automotive, Diesel Transportation, Heating, Ventilation
and Air Conditioning, Telecommunications and Electronics.
Furthermore, jobs in these industries usually offer more
stable work hours and pay scales as well as great benefits
and retirement packages. Some education or certification
is usually required to enter these fields as well, but that
can usually be accomplished in two years or less. Some certificates
only take six months to complete.
Q. |
do I get information on education for a technical career? |
A. |
With today's internet-connected world, there are many resources
available for obtaining a technical education. Start with some
of the possibilities below:
- Community Colleges are an excellent and affordable resource
for receiving a technical education. They offer both degree
and certificate programs. An Associates Degree can usually
be obtained in two years of full-time classes, while a certificate
can be earned in as little as 6-12 months of full-time classes.
Community Colleges also offer day and evening classes, so
scheduling around a job or family is much easier. Financial
aid, scholarships and grants are available. Search the net
for a community college in your area by going to community
college finder at http://www.aacc.nche.edu
- Trade and Technical schools are another practical and
affordable option for those seeking education for technical
careers. Schedules are flexible and most programs can be
completed in under a year. These schools offer targeted
certificate and degree programs that qualify you for a specific
career. Most trade and technical schools offer job placement
assistance as well as financial aid. Look in your area for
local trade and technical schools or try searching this
Internet site: http://www.nccte.com
- Try connecting with other women in the industry for valuable
information on how they got there and how you can achieve
similar goals. To get started, join WomenTech
Talk, or visit our Bulletin Board.
Q. |
I can't afford a technical education on my own. How can I get
information on financial aid? |
A. |
There is a surprising amount of untapped resources available
for assistance with the cost of education. Sometimes this may
require a little extra effort on your part, but resources are
available. Try some of the following suggestions to get started:
- If pursuing funding for an education, you can always find
personalized assistance in the Financial Aid office of your
local Community College or Trade/Technical School. Look
in your area to see what educational institutions are available
to you http://www.ed.gov/Programs/statelist.html
- The Internet is an excellent resource for finding grants
and scholarships. Many scholarships are available for specific
careers, as well as general study. As a woman considering
a technical field, you have a particular advantage as some
scholarships are targeted specifically for women. Try the
following links to get started, or perform your own search
on the Internet using the key words, "scholarship database":
- Fastaid: http://www.fastaid.com
- Fastweb: http://web.studentservices.com/
- Absolutely Scholarships.com: http://www.absolutelyscholarships.com/
- The U.S. Department of Labor Welfare to Work Program offers
many avenues for assistance with employment and employment
training, including grants and other forms of financial
assistance. For more information, click
- Look into state and federally funded family programs,
especially if you are a single parent. While funds may be
sometimes limited, help is available for financial assistance
with childcare and tuition costs. Speak to a counselor at
your local community college for guidance on resources.
Q. |
much math do I really need? I was never good at math and I'm
worried I'll fail the prerequisite math courses. |
A. |
Many students have a fear of math or math anxiety. The amount
of math needed depends on the technology program. Some programs
require pre-algebra, others require none. The math required
for the technology programs is "hands-on" and is very different
from classroom algebra. Most students find math more interesting
when they actually use it in the classroom. Visit the learning
lab at the local community college for assistance. |
Q. |
not sure what courses I need to take for the tech program I'm
interested in. Where can I go for help? |
A. |
have several options to get more information:
Make an appointment with a counselor at the school you are considering
or speak with an instructor. |
Q. |
long will it take for me to complete a technology program? I
can't afford to do anything long term, I need to earn money
as quickly as possible. |
A. |
programs can take anywhere from 6-12 months to complete, depending
on your attendance while an Associate Degree usually takes up
to two years of full-time attendance. Here are some ways to
make your community college experience more efficient:
- Consider a certificate. Many of the technology
programs have certificates - if you attend full-time you
can often complete a certificate in only six months. Many
employers will hire employees with a technology certificate
and then provide tuition reimbursement for courses towards
an Associate in Science degree in the same field.
- Consider a student loan. Student loans are easy
to get and offer very reasonable interest rates and manageable
monthly payments after graduation. Many financial aid packages
offer a combination of scholarships and grants along with
the student loan, reducing the overall amount that needs
to be paid back. Borrowing money to attend school full-time
will enable you to earn your degree in significantly less
time than attending part-time. For more information on what
forms of financial aid are available, go to http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/Students/student.html
or http://www.salliemae.com/loans/index.html.
Q. |
a high school student, how can I gain knowledge and skills that
will prepare me for a technology career? |
A. |
some cases, high school students may enroll in two-year colleges
as special part-time students with a recommendation by their
principal, parental consent and approval by the District Dean
of Admissions & Records. Units earned may be used for either
high school credit or college credit. This is a great way to
get a head start if you already know what technology career
you are interested in. |