Program: Cisco Networking Academy
Instructor: Gary Perkins, Computer Information Systems Instructor
For more info: geperkin@aol.com
Program Quick Look
Approx. Starting Salary:
$40-$50K/year in the Bay Area
Average Salary:
$60-$80K/year with Networking Associate Credential, in the Bay Area
Labor Market:
"There are no boundaries with Cisco Certification. Your success in the industry is based on your own perseverance, and willingness to learn and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves."
Course Information:
Course Description:
The COA Cisco Certified Networking Academy program provides a solid background in the fundamental organization and functions behind the Internet, as well as valuable hands-on experience working with Internet hardware, software and configuration (programming) providing graduates of the program with comprehensive knowledge and qualifications to begin working and earning money immediately.
Computer literacy is essential in understanding the program content. COA requires that students who lack basic computer knowledge begin with a course in Windows Operating Systems or Computer Literacy before enrolling in the program. Taking a class in Computer Hardware and/or Networking Essentials is also helpful. To view the course descriptions, click below, then scroll down to "Computer Information Systems:"
Course Descriptions
Hours Offered:
Mostly evenings with some day classes and a Saturday course.
Length of Program:
3 semesters full-time (one calendar year)
Career Information:
Career Path:
Certified Cisco Networking Technicians are qualified to work independently on the configuration and set up of Internet operating systems. Additional Cisco certifications (Cisco Networking Professional, Cisco Networking Internet Expert, and Cisco Certified Design Associate or Design Professional) allow the individual to expand her career options by working with larger and more complicated networks, designing networks or moving into a management position.
Nature of the Work:
Certified Cisco Networking Technicians assist companies in the set-up and maintenance of their Internet systems. This involves the installation of hardware, set up and configuration of routers, and designation of operating systems. The technician must also solve any problems that occur, assist companies in moving and expanding their equipment, and make adjustments to Internet functions as needed.
Work Environment:
Networking technician's hours vary greatly depending on the needs of their clients and what problems occur. Work can be independent or team oriented and usually takes place at the site in which the client's Internet hardware is installed.
Specific Jobs Available to Graduates:
Cisco Certification qualifies the individual to work as a Networking Technician. However, this opens many opportunities in other areas of computer science as well, such as: systems analyst, systems developer, systems architect, software quality assurance analyst, computer programmer, network systems and data communications analyst, telecommunications specialist, computer engineer, computer support specialist, computer security specialist, web developer
Industries Employing Graduates of this Program:
While many dot-com companies have disappeared in the past year, the Internet remains fundamental for industry and commerce. Established companies, such as Pacific Bell or Macy's, are now developing Internet based outlets of commerce. As smaller companies follow suit, the need for qualified Networking Technicians will become greater.