Mayuri Patel Women in Electronic Technology
Role Models in the News
Read career information about women in Electronics Technology

Listed below are recent articles that describe women's experiences in the Electronics Technology occupations. Don't forget to also read our Women's Success Stories and Career Information Articles for both more career information and to see what it's like to be a woman in this job. You'll also want to look at the Women in Electronics Technology Associations and the Women in Technology links to get a complete picture.

Women in Electronics Tech Articles

Women in Electronics Tech Articles by SEAN ADKINS
Read about a woman succeeding as an electrician and find out what advice she has for other women interested in joining the electronics field.
York Daily Record, 3/21/2006.

Electronic Technician: Victoria Maestas by IWITTS
Find out how Victoria Maestas got started as an Electronics Technician, what classes she took to get there, her greatest professional achievement, the advice she has for other women, and more!

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