Boost your technology skills to build more confidence in the classroom! The Irvine Valley College Learning Center offers many tools and services to help you succeed in the Electronics Technology program.
Your first days in class may go more smoothly with a small amount of preparation. The Learning Center works closely with the Electronics Technology program to make sure you have the support you need for your classes. If you need help with a math class, the Math Lab offers hands-on assistance in a group setting.
The Irvine Valley College Learning Center also provides free tutoring from trained tutors, including other students who have done well in the class you are taking, retired teachers, and other qualified individuals from the community. Student tutors have completed a training course in peer tutoring, where they receive supervised tutoring experience.
Students are eligible for one hour of tutoring per subject, by appointment, per week. Tutoring sessions, which last one hour, are held in a private study room in the library. To request a tutor, fill out the Tutor Request Form and ask your instructor to complete the Instructor Referral Form found on the How to Find a Tutor page of the Learning Center website. You will also have to register for a free course, TU 301, Supervised Tutoring.
Library 100A and 100B
5500 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 451-5471
learningcenter at
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